Electricity and gas trade

Electricity and gas trade

We provide access to the wholesale energy and gas market (EFET, framework agreements). Thanks to the excellent knowledge of market mechanisms, we provide solutions tailored to the client's needs. 

  • We trade power in the wholesale market. We trade both financial and physical products.
  • We are an active participant in European commodity exchanges in the field of gas and electricity trading, as well as property rights.
  • We offer listed products for licensed entities and large customers of electricity and gas.

The head of the area / wholesale team

Paweł Dominik

Head of Wholesale

Throughout his professional career associated with wholesale energy trading. Experienced manager and expert. He held managerial positions in many organizations, both Polish and international. Holder of the Commodity Exchange Broker license and the European Energy Exchange (EEX) certificate.
At Ignitis, he is responsible for the Company’s wholesale activities on the electricity and natural gas markets.

Magdalena Popławska


Graduate of Electrical Department of Warsaw University of Technology and Warsaw School of Economics. Since the beginning of her career involved in the energy industry.

At Ignitis since 2018 she is responsible for optimization of the electricity portfolio on the short-term market.

Łukasz Szawłowski


Passionate about financial markets since the time of his studies. He took his first professional steps as a Stockbroker in the largest brokerage house in Poland. He started his adventure with wholesale energy trading in 2017. He holds certificates of Commodity Exchange Broker, EEX Exchange Broker, Stockbroker licenses and Investment Advisor license. At Ignitis he is responsible for the optimization of the electricity portfolio.

Daniel Zrobek


He has been involved in the energy industry for 15 years. He gained experience working for Polish and foreign energy companies, developing his skills in the areas of electricity, gas fuel sales and system heat supply. His main goal is to create a better and more sustainable future by providing access to low-cost renewable energy for business customers. At Ignitis, he is responsible for increasing the potential for trading energy produced by renewable energy based on the PPA and CPPA purchasing models.

Łukasz Duma


A graduate of the AGH University of Science and Technology in the area of renewable energy sources, who has made his career in the energy market. He has been developing in wholesale energy trading for more than 15 years, with knowledge and experience in Central and Western European markets. He has worked for both smaller and larger companies in Poland and abroad. He is a licensed broker on TGE, EPEX SPOT and EEX. At Ignitis, he is responsible for optimizing the generation portfolio and customers.

Adam Sotowicz

Portfolio Manager

Associated with the energy sector for more than a decade, he specializes in data analysis and energy portfolio optimization. He gained experience by developing competencies in the areas of price modeling, market analysis and implementation of decision support tools. Currently, as Portfolio Manager, he focuses on the optimization of the electricity and gas portfolio.